RES-LINK: Workshop on Resources and Urbanization in the Arctic


Resource valorization and urbanization processes are intertwined, leading to the construction of cities and infrastructures as well as the extensive manipulation of the landscape. From time to time, under a market-led economic regime, cities, infrastructures and landscape are discarded with huge environmental and social losses. There is the need to better understand the so-called “resource-urbanization nexus” (Rizzo, 2018) to truly transform cities and regions and make them sustainable.

Case Studies

The Arctic is an excellent case study to unpack the complexities of this nexus. This region is going through rapid transformations that are led by the resource and logistic industries as well as intra-regional and international migration. However, this apparently peripheral part of the globe is deeply integrated with the world economy since this latter is dependent on the Arctic’s natural resources and energy. There is also the need to compare the story of the Arctic with those of other resource-rich regions in the global North and South.


The aims of this event is to consolidate current research on resources and urbanization in the Arctic region, discuss trends from a global perspective, and set a research agenda to deal with the main issues. The workshop builds upon the MIN-SPIRE research project at LTU and previous research on large developments in resource-rich nations (see Rizzo et al., 20013-2018). Speakers cover several disciplines and geographical domains. The workshop is meant for academic and professional audiences.


Agatino Rizzo (chair of the event, Luleå University of Technology); Gavin Bridge (University of Durham); Jeanette Sordi (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez), Dag Avango (the Royal Institute of Technology), Jukka Simila (University of Lapland), Andrea Luciani/Jennie Sjöholm (Luleå University of Technology),  Lars Westin (Umeå University), Horatio Sam-Aggrey (the Arctic University of Norway).

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