EU URBANISM 2: B O R D E R C I T I E S - Bauhaus Kolleg IX (2007/2008)

16th-18th May 2008

The Bauhaus Kolleg IX focused on border cities in the Baltic Sea region as places where a new Europe is being formed. The Baltic Sea region is one of the "laboratories" where the negotiations for a new Europe have been at their most dynamic since the end of the Cold War. It is one of the most multifaceted and contradictory regions, characterised by inequalities, discontinuities and conflicts, but also by intensive exchange, cross-border cooperation and migration. Here, openness, isolation, dynamic growth, industrial decline, radical free trade experiments, state-directed isolationism, new wealth, new poverty, transnational identities, and a new nationalism come together.

The contradictory mechanisms of European integration are particularly evident on the northern border. As such, the border cities of the Baltic Sea region are testing grounds for the project of Europeisation. How do the incessant exchange processes and migratory movements affect the cities in question? To what extent are new models of European urban life being formed? The Kolleg will base its examination of these issues on three border cities in the Baltic Sea region, which are confronted by the actuality of borders in different ways.

Below the settings of the Urban Art Interventions staged in Tallinn in 2008

# 1
# 2
exploration of the spatial concept of an archipelago of islandswith the two projects Tallinn Retold at the harbour and Porta de Viru at Tammsaare Park discussions with tourists and locals took place about the potential of the spatial structure of Tallinn; people were encouraged to visit different parts of the city and exchange stories about meaningful places;
exploration of areas in transition
two very different areas, Rotterman district and Balti Jaam Market, were chosen for integrative projects; while Rotterman is a well designed new urban site with expensive high brands but few social interaction, Balti Jaam Market is a very cheap informal area that is very important for economically less fortunate locals. Our project consisted of building up small market stands where we distributed goods from the contrasting area in exchange for people’s desires. The intent was to get local opinion about what has value in the further development of the city;
In a subsequent project in the evening, a projection regarding real estate speculation in Uus Maailm community started a discussion about the topic of future city development and whose city it is to develop;

# 3
activation of abandoned space
related to real estate speculation many areas at the harbour are waiting for transformation but seem abandoned at the moment. Through temporary structures installed in the space we wanted to show that a different use of urban space is possible;
related projects used these spaces for breakfast and dinner gatherings as well as an area next to Linnahall for a temporary beach;
cross border relations
a projection of people going into a pedestrian tunnel was shown at a site in Viimsi where the future tunnel to Helsinki will emerge out of the ground according to current planning; the projection visualized the idea of social connections, beyond purely economic and regionmaking desires for connecting the two border cities.

# 5
# 6
public breakfast The aim was to explore potentials in Tallinn's in-between space.
information kiosks With this  intervention we tried to stimulate visions concerning the local urban space.
Printed material was edited to allow people exploring popular as well as forgotten urban areas.
We distributed question-postcards to send us back by post.