UTM-FAB is organizing a summer course this year as following:
Summer course title: Planning in Developing Metropolitan Regions
Date: 18th - 31st July 2010
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia is announcing the UTM2010 Summer School in Urban and Regional Planning "Planning in Developing Metropolitan Regions". It will be held from July 18th till July 31st, 2010 in Johor Bahru, Johore, Malaysia.
The summer school features advanced courses for graduate students and young researchers in the field of urban planning, metropolitan planning, and urban and transnational studies.
It consists of 2 weeks on site workshop with excursions in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and Iskandar Malaysia Corridor. One online preparation week will precede the event.
The program aims to equip participants with urban management and planning knowledge to understand the complex metropolitan planning issues in fast developing countries. This will also help them to apply the knowledge in design and project planning of neighborhood or a city.
The summer school is organized by UTM in collaboration with Curtin University. Decisions for admission are made on a case by case and first come first served bases. We have applicants from all over the world. Therefore the earlier you apply the better.